If you are undertaking nationally recognised training, you will need to have a USI from 1st January 2018.
It is free and easy for you to create your own USI online.
Under legislation training organisations can only issue certification when they have received your USI.
Click below for assistance and information on how to obtain your USI.
The website is www.usi.gov.au, and all you will need is your Medicare Card details or Driver’s License plus a valid unique email address.
Our website has a comprehensive range of information that will help you make an informed decision concerning the training we provide. Our student agreement contains general information regarding your rights and responsibilities when we provide training services to you. Course specific information is located in each course. The “student information” document gives you an indication of what is in the course and the assessments required, as well as vocational outcomes.
Should you require any further information or a seeking clarification, please contact us at: https://abcfirstaid.com.au/student-resources/
Fees and charges are available on request from your trainer prior to enrolling into this course. There are no additional fees associated with your training, however there may be a cancellation fee.
When an applicant accepts a place offered by Port Mac First Aid and either pays the fees or commits to pay the fees, it means a binding contract is created between the student and Totally Training Pty Ltd trading as Port Mac First Aid.
Notification of cancellation/withdrawal from unit/s of competency, withdrawal or deferral from a course of study must be made to:
Port Mac First Aid – admin@portmacfirstaid.com.au
In the case of cancellation/withdrawal, the following cancellation fees will apply:
Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment more than 10 working days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a full refund of fees paid, minus the administration fee.
Students who give notice to cancel their enrolment fees less than 10 days prior to the commencement of a program will be entitled to a 75% refund of fees paid, minus the administration fee.
Students who cancel their enrolment within 24 hours of course commencement will not be entitled to a refund of fees.
There is no charge for a public student to transfer to another course with Port Mac First Aid for a period of up to 3 months. After three months it will be treated as a cancellation. If Port Mac First Aid cancels a course, then an alternate date will be offered or a full refund can be made available to whoever paid that course fee.
Please note that administration fees will apply for the processing of refunds. This is currently $20. Discretion may be exercised by the Director in all situations, if the student can demonstrate that extenuating or significant personal circumstance led to their withdrawal. In these cases, the student will be offered a full credit toward the tuition fee in another scheduled program in- lieu of a refund.
Where refunds are approved, the refund payment must be paid to the student within 14 days from the time the student gave written notice to cancel their enrolment. Tuition refunds are to be paid via electronic funds transfer using the authorised bank account nominated by the student on the Refund Request Form.
Note. If for any reason Port Mac First Aid is unable to fulfil its service agreement with a student, Port Mac First Aid must refund the student’s proportion of fees paid for services not delivered.
Re-issue of Certificates. This can be arranged for a fee of $10.
RPL is an assessment process that assesses the individual’s non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and/or partial or total completion of, a qualification.
Assessment Services Information Industry Consultation
Industry means the bodies that have a stake in the training, assessment and client services provided by RTOs. Port Mac First Aid is under ABC RTO’s license who liaises with industry representatives in an effort to confirm that the currency of all course material and to ensure training reflects industry needs. This consultation is essential so that training outcomes meet the knowledge and skill demands of industry and to ensure proposed courses are reflective of future industry and employment growth. Consultation also ensures assessment strategies cover significant points and provide results that are useful to prospective employers
Port Mac First Aid in affiliation with ABC Pty Ltd moderates all assessment tasks to ensure that the tasks, and hence the results, are reliable, valid and fair and to ensure that the marking procedures are also fair and valid.
Validating an assessment tool involves checking that the assessment task produces valid, reliable, sufficient, current and authentic evidence to enable reasonable judgments to be made as to whether the requirements of the relevant aspects of the Training Package or accredited course have been met. It includes reviewing and making recommendations for future improvements to the assessment tool, process and/or outcomes.
Assessment tasks and course results are moderated (results and assessments made are reviewed to determine whether the tool is providing consistency and reliable outcomes) by course advisory committees at regular meetings.
All assessments will be undertaken by assessors who meet the requirements stated to apply under the Australian Quality Training Framework in effect at the time at which assessment is conducted. (This includes the necessary assessment competencies determined by the National Quality Council or its successors in effect at the time of delivery and assessment or the requirements stated to apply under the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations.)
We will ensure that all of our Trainers and Assessors will have as a minimum, the following combination of:
All delivered units will be assessed at the time of delivery by the trainer/assessor. All assessment tasks are competency based and cover the entire scope of the units covered in the training program. Assessments are then subjected to checking by Port Mac First Aid and ABC prior to the issue of statements of attainment or course certificates
Assessment tasks are designed to evaluate evidence that a student can demonstrate competency in all relevant subject competencies.
Students are provided with every opportunity, within their course duration, to obtain and show competency. Students not able to show competency after the completion of their course will have the opportunity to redo the aspects of the assessment that require evidence of the student’s competence. This must be achieved within one month of completing the course. Alternately, it may be decided that the student will need to re-enrol in the course and complete the outstanding assessment activity as part of the course. The trainer/assessor will indicate the requirements to demonstrate competencies required.
All assessments completed by Port Mac First Aid and ABC will align with the following rules of assessment:
Assessments should provide opportunity for applicants to be informed of the context and purpose of the assessment and the assessment process.
This will include but will not be limited to information regarding assessment methods and alternative assessment methods if required to accommodate special needs or circumstances.
At least two methods of assessment will be conducted for each competency. Some of the methods may include:
Observation: where the student will be observed performing a series of tasks a number of times, perhaps as part of a scenario to determine their competency.
Verbal question and answers: where the student will be questioned to determine the depth of their understanding of the process to ensure that they are competent.
Written assessment: In this instance the student will be given the opportunity to demonstrate their competency through multiple choice questions, short answer questions, written reports etc.
All assessment tasks must consider any language and literacy issues or cultural issues related to the task.
Once competency is achieved in all the performance criteria for a unit the candidate will be marked C for Competent; if not they will be marked NYC for Not Yet Competent.
Course Completion Timeframes
You have 3 months from the date of enrolment to complete all units of study within a first aid course. This includes the online and face to face components. For example an enrolment confirmed on the 1st January 2020 would need to be completed by April 1st 2020.
Applications for extension to completion time-frames must be made in writing to admin@portmacfirstaid.com.au for review.
All appeals should in the first instance be discussed with your trainer to allow you to see if it is possible to be re-assessed. Re-assessment should occur within one month of the original attempt; otherwise re-enrolment in the course will be required.
Students wishing to make an appeal should first make an appointment with the trainer/assessor. If the matter is not resolved, an appointment should be made for an interview by contacting Port Mac First Aid at admin@portmacfirstaid.com.au
If this cannot be resolved, then the student’s appeals are eligible to be heard by an independent party. Unresolved appeals will be heard by a Solicitor in NSW.
Student Rights
Port Mac First Aid recognises that students have the right to:
Students are responsible for:
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